Sri Aswamedha Yaagam was performed centuries ago in India as per Vedic Order of life for the over all welfare of the community, establishment of peace, timely rains, stable Political set up and in general for the well being of the country and countrymen. Due to the heavy costs involved in performing of this great yagna- A MEGA EVENT, only kings in the olden days performed this. People in the modern times are not forthcoming to shoulder this huge task due to cost and organization difficulties and ALSO DUE TO NON PRACTISING OF DIVINE MANTRA SASTRA PARTICULARLY IN RESPECT OF THE SACRED BRAHMASTRA, VAARUNAASTRA ETC., One great sage of Himalayan ranges reiterated the need for performing of this yagna in the present context of and situation of the country. The yagna has given needy results in ancient times. Similarly it is expected to give good results forever basing on the faith on Indian Ancient Traditional Systems All Devas performed Ashwamedha Yaagam to strengthen the Creator of the Universe Le Prajapathi as per Taittiriya Brahman 5.4.12 Ashwamedha Yaagam is considered the SUPREME KING among all Srout and Smartha Yaagaas AND SHOULD BE PERFORMED FOR THE PROSPERITY OF THE NATION as per SHATAPAATH BRAHMANAM
Many number of sages from Himalayan ranges indicate that there is a need to Bring ONENESS AMONGST all religions/communities/sects etc and they reiterated that the environmental changes are necessary to protect the Human force from natural calamities. They said that the ancient trusted rituals are sure to rejuvenate the human strength besides keeping the race from undesirable polluted atmosphere. To enable people know about the Ashwamedha Yaagna, which was performed some centuries ago, and the script which is not easily available today. This yagna is expected to create an awareness amongst the new vedic students to know what exactly it is so that the information remains preserved for future. To help ourselves bringing changes in the ozone through this established scientific acts of yester years. This was scientifically experimented by the Vedic Schools in different parts of the country like Yogiraj Veda Vignan Ashram in Maharashtra. To reduce the differences between different religions/communities and promote communal harmony. We have seen many unmarried youngsters struggling for years. It is our intention to create an opportunity for timely marriages so that the youth. remain calm and peaceful. The Kanya Pasupatha prayog in the Yaagam will help us to a large extent.
Lord Hayeegreva is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Among all the four-leg animals horse is the only animal, which can identify colors. Due to this horses formed an important component of strength in wars in olden days. Power is always denoted in terms of Horse Power. Lord Sri Krishna in Geetha said that he is none other than uchaisravam i.e., the best horse (10th chapter -27th sloka). This horse has taken birth during the celestial churning of milky ocean. It is said in the puranas that Lord Bhrama performed 10 Ashwamedha Yaagams on the banks of river Ganges in Varanasi and even today the place is known by "Dasa Aa~wamedha Ghatasthali (location of 10 Ashwamedha Yaagams). Thus if we notice that Aswam i.e., horse - a special animal, considered to be another form of Lord Vishnu and people who seek special favors and society development and also peace, need to perform Ashwamedha Yaagam. Unlike in another Yaagams, particularly in Ashwamedha Yaagam Lords -Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara are given equal offering in the homas. Many other Lords' are also given special offering which leads to easy appeasement to the gods and seek their blessings for quick and desired result.
Ashwamedha Yaagams need to be performed for overcoming enemies, child Welfare and development, good marriage life, clearance of debts, not only for the benefit of an induvidual but for entire Society/Community/Country. Clearing of individual and country debts debts of all nature, is yet another purposes of Ashwamedha Yaagam. Considering the current societal condition, where violence anarchy,antisocial elements and other issues dominating our lives, it is difficult to imagine the living conditions of our future generations. People have moved away from calm and peace loving life style and have become restless, stressed perpetuating violence in many forms in society. Ashwamedha Yaagam can help the society to over come such problems. Clearing of self or country debts through Runavimochana Pasupatham; enhancing business through Kubera Pasupatham; pacifying planets through Navagraha Pasupatham; spouse well-being through Koti kukuma Archana; Karyasidhi through Satyavartham and many more can be performed under one roof simultaneously in Ashwamedha Yaagam only. Apart from benefiting individually, country's welfare, promotion of peace, good governance, stability can be obtained through Ashwamedha Yaagam.Ashwamedha Yaagam gives the benefit to the present, past and future ten generations leading to salvation. If we recollect, in every donation/ritual, we give/perform, we seek Ashwamedha Phala indicating the importance of Ashwamedha Yaagam. To put it simple, anyone participating in Ashwamedha Yaagam in any form will be bestowed with alround prosperity. Ashwamedha Yaagam is the easiest path for people who are wishing development in their life and salvation after life.
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