Saturday, September 27, 2008


Stages of Life
Hindus identify four successive stages (ashramas) of life. They are:
1. A student (brahmachari) who leads a celibate life, and studies under the guidance of a guru to-learn parts of the Veda as well as secular and ritual knowledge;
2. A married householder who brings up a family and contributes to the general welfare of society;
3. A 'forest- dweller' - someone who, with the arrival Of grandchildren, may withdraw from family responsibilities in order to seek wisdom in the forests; and
4. A renouncer (sannyasin) who sheds all social ties and devotes himself exclusively to the pursuit of moksha by becoming a wandering ascetic.
A human being is a living sacrifice. The first twenty-four years of a human's life constitute the morning sacrifice. During these years a human should pray: 'With divine help, may my morning sacrifice sustain my powers of life until I offer my midday sacrifice.' The next forty-four years of a human's life constitute the midday sacrifice. During these years a human should pray: 'With divine help, may my midday sacrifice sustain my powers of life until I offer my evening sacrifice. The last forty-eight years of a human's life constitute the evening sacrifice. During these years a human should pray: 'With divine help, may my evening sacrifice sustain my powers of life until I offer my death.' Those who lead good lives, and say these prayers, will live one hundred and sixteen years; and they will not suffer illness until death.
Chandogya Upanishad 3: 16. 1-7

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