Thursday, September 25, 2008

Guru Bhakti - A Definition

We very often talk about Guru Bakthi and confine ourselves to this narrow definition, i.e. be devoted to Guru. Is there any thing beyond this? As per our scriptures there many stages of Guru Bhakthi. I am describing the last two stages of Guru Bhakti. Here it is.
The first of this is "MARKATA KISHORA NYAYAM".
Markatam means monkey.Kishoram means baby.
Just as a baby monkey, clings on to the mother's belly, a true sishya clings on to the "Guru". In this stage, The SHISHYA cannot part from the GURU at any cost
The next stage is defined as "MARJARA KISHORA NYAYAM"
Marjara means catKishoram is already explained.
In case of a cat, it is the mother who holds it's sibbling by the mouth and takes it along with her.In this case Guru cannot part from his Shishya.
This is the final and penultimate surrender to GURU.
Perhaps this is what is called "Total Surrender"

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